Terms Of Service

1. I have every right to refuse your request. Due to design, species, immaturity, rudeness, etc. but I will address anything that brings concern and try to work things out with you.
2. If you should not like me to post the art I did for you on my socials. Please let me know!
3. I would prefer to have my art on toy house and kept there. But if you cannot for any reason. Just let me know.
4. Please if you post my art anywhere you tag me or at least give me credit like ‘this was made by kingkiller.mutt on IG’ or anything like that to where itakes people able to find me.
5. Keep in mind that this is only a side job for me and things will take time. It is okay to ask for updates. But I will be sending any updates or push backs I have.
6. After I transfer your art to digital, which is normally the line art stage. Is when I would prefer you send the payment because I will normally soon be finished.
For now that is all with T.O.S. But just another thing to keep in mind. Is I will ONLY be taking pay from PayPal or Cashapp at this time